Ho Chun Machinery Co., Ltd.--Bed-type milling machines and machining centers
Established in 1988, Ho Chun Machinery Co., Ltd. is a machine-tool maker particularly adept at medium-sized, bed-type universal milling machines, vertical milling machines, horizontal milling machines and vertical machining centers for heavy-duty purposes.
Its bed-type universal milling machine is outfitted with a swivel head, which allows the position of the machine's rotating cutter to be recalibrated vertically and horizontally to increase the machine's flexibility. The sturdy structure enables cutting to go as deep as 5mm on workpiece with average diameter of 160mm.
Ho Chun's bed-type vertical milling machine is equipped with a powerful vertical head, enabling cutting to go as deep as 8mm on workpiece with diameter of 160 mm.
The firm's bed-type horizontal milling machine is specifically developed for face milling.
The vertical machining center by the company is equipped with an 8,000-rpm spindle. The high-grade Meehanite structure and four-square guide ways or double linear guide ways enable this machine to achieve superior rigidity. Servo motors coupled with 3-axis ball screws assure precise axial interpolation and positioning accuracy. This machine boasts high-speed traverse, low maintenance, long lifespan and excellent reliability.
Ho Chun specializes in medium-sized milling machines with cutter travel of between 1000mm and 1250mm along X axis. It is a flexible manufacturer which also provides machines with vacant spaces for wiring and controller to allow for customers' own CNC design.
The ISO9001-certified company fills customized orders and ships its CE-marked products mostly to Germany, France, Holland, Italy, Singapore, Thailand, Israel, and Argentina.

Ho Chun Machinery Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 86, Donghai St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan 40764
Tel.: 886-4-2358-1526
Fax: 886-4-23581523
E-mail : hochun@ms31.hinet.net